Monday, June 18, 2012

Smartphone users in China already exceeded 250 million people.

According to the report by iimedia, smartphone users in China already exceeded 250 million people.

This number was increasing 13.0% compared to the previous period, and they also said mobile internet users in China was 372 million people.

And the market share of each operating system was as follows:

Android had 55.4% market share, so it also can be said about 140 million Android smartphone devices are floating around in China. And this report also said that there are more 2,000 type of Android devices in Chinese market now.

Well, Symbian had 25.6% market share , iOS had 12.4%, Windows had 2.4%, and they can catch-up Android in the future, or Android continue to run the top share as ever, or new mobile OS will come to fore...

It cannot take our eyes off in the future too.

Original article => iimedia

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