Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tencent Weibo reached 373 million users.

Tencent reported a statement of accounts as of Q4,2011, and their Weibo users reached 373 million users in the end of 2011.

Its number was 310 million users as of Q3,2011, so their users increased 70 million people. And according to the statement, their active users were 68 million people per a day.

Sina also reported a statement of accounts as of Q4,2011 before, their Weibo users were 300 million people, and its active users were 27 million people per a day.

Tencent also have Social Media solution such as Qzone and Pengyou, according to this statement, their active users were each 721 million people and 202.4 million people.

Tencent said they will accelerate Social Media business and mobile solution in this year, so we have to keep attention their action from now on too.

Original article => TechWeb

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